Saturday, September 29, 2007


I have chosen this image (from flickr) of the pelicans being fed at The Entrance in New South Wales. I have just had some holidays up there and I must say the weather was wonderful. The pelicans are fed every day at 3.30 p.m. regardless of the weather or whether there are any spectators. A local fisherman started the tradition when he used to feed them at the end of his fishing day, one day he was late and they marched across the highway and waited outside his shop demanding food. A tradition was born.
I'm not certain how I got this far. But after a little bit of uncertainty I am quite excited by the fact that I can now place photo on my blog site.

Friday, September 28, 2007

To blog or not to blog - that could be the question.

Here I am attempting to catch up after a nice peaceful holiday (with two children this may not be quite true).

I am looking forward to continuing on with this learning experience and sharing my progress with my work mates.

I will be back next Thursday - hope you all enjoy the weekend and good luck to all the footy supporters out there, I hope your team wins.
